


Release History

A complete archive of the binaries and source-codes of all releases of XtalOpt can be found here (under the "Assets" section for each release).

Github Repository

The most recent version of the XtalOpt source-code can be obtained from Github repository. This, however, should be treated with caution as this repository includes development and experimental versions of XtalOpt. In general, it is recommended to use the source-code and pre-compiled binaries provided in the above "Latest Version" section, or those available in the "Release History" archive.

Install From Source

In order to build Xtalopt from source, a C++ compiler (with C++11 support) and the following dependencies are needed: git, cmake, Qt framework, Qwt libraries, Eigen library, libssh and openssh. A brief guideline is provided for each operating system through the following links.

Note: Due to the diversity of operating systems and architectures (hence, libraries and compilers), it is challenging to offer complete and general compilation instructions. The user might need to refer to the dedicated references for their system/setup if any issue arises during the compilation process.

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