To obtain the source-code of the latest stable version (or previous releases) of XtalOpt see the download page.
MacOS users must install Xcode to compile the program. Since C++11 support is necessary, Xcode 8 or later is
Moreover, compiling XtalOpt requires the following dependencies:
(1) git (any version),
(2) cmake (any version)
(3) Qt framework (version 5.2.1 or later of Qt5),
(4) Qwt libraries (version 6.1.3 or later, and compiled with the same version of the installed
(5) Eigen library (version 3 or later),
(6) libssh and openssh (this is not required if you disable the ssh; which is enabled by
The Xcode can be installed from its
Required dependencies can be downloaded and installed from their websites (sometimes that requires compiling
them from source). However, they are most easily installed using package managers, e.g.,
Homebrew and
For instance, the following command will install the listed packages from Homebrew:
brew install git cmake qt@5 qwt-qt5 eigen libssh
Note that the package names or syntax might change as the package managers and their content evolve and update over time!
Once all required packages are installed, the user should create a "build" directory in the root of the XtalOpt source-code directory. In the "build" directory, then one can configure the build using
cmake ..
If the dependencies are installed in standard locations or available through environment variables, there is a chance that cmake will find them (or at least some of them!). If the configuration fails, however, you may inspect the output of the cmake command to see what are the missing libraries/packages. You need to redo the build with providing the correct path to required dependencies using the appropriate configuration flags:
cmake .. [-D<flag1>=<value1> -D<flag2>=<value2> ...]
To our experience, those which are most likely to be a source of trouble (along with their corresponding cmake flags) are as follows:
Package | cmake flag | Value |
Qt5 directory | -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH | <path to Qt5 installation>/lib/cmake/Qt5 |
Qwt include directory | -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR | <path to Qwt installation>/lib/qwt.framework/Headers |
Qwt library | -DQWT_LIBRARY | <path to Qwt installation>/lib/qwt.framework/qwt |
Eigen include directory | -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR | <path to Eigen installation> OR "the parent folder of the Eigen/ subfolder" |
libssh include directory | -DLIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS | <path to libssh installation>/include |
libssh library | -DLIBSSH_LIBRARIES | <path to libssh installation>/lib/<libssh library filename> |
After configuring the build, you can compile the code with
the "make" command (or, "make -jN" for parallel compilation using "N" processes).
Upon successful compilation, there should be a directory named "bin" in the build directory which
contains the directory. You can run the XtalOpt in various ways. For example, if you're in
the build directory:
(1) GUI mode: run "open ./bin/" or
"./bin/" command in terminal; or click on the "" in the
Finder app,
(2) CLI mode: run "./bin/ --cli" in terminal.
Before proceeding to read this section, note that apparently MacOS will prevent all installed packages
from running unless they are signed by a valid certificate. For more information about code-signing, start
from here.
Although you can run the compiled program, you might want to install it to have a standalone package (in which
the XtalOpt executable and required libraries are properly collected) to place it in you "Application"
directory for easy access. In order to configure the code for installation, you should add the
"-DBUILD_INDEPENDENT_PACKAGE=ON" flag to the cmake command.
Note that the default installation location is the "$HOME/" directory. Alternatively, you can specify
another location by adding the "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<desired/path/for/installation>" flag to
the cmake command.
Finally, after compiling the code with the above installation-related cmake flags, you need to run
"make install" (or, "sudo make install" if the specified installation directory requires root
access). After installation, you will find the XtalOpt package in the installation location. Before running
the installed program, consider the code-signing (noted above).
The details of the cmake and make setup would depend on the compiler and the installed
dependencies. With that in mind, we are providing the following bash script just
as an example of a possible setup to build the code on MacOS.
In the reference system, the required dependencies were installed using the Homebrew package manager. The
following script was run in terminal, inside the build directory (located in the root of the XtalOpt
#!/bin/bash # ********************************************************* # **** Set all variables to their correct directories **** # ********************************************************* qt5dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/qt5 qwtdir=/opt/homebrew/opt/qwt-qt5 libssh=/opt/homebrew/opt/libssh # ********************************************************* # **** Configure the build **** # ********************************************************* cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$qt5dir/lib/cmake/Qt5 \ -DQWT_LIBRARY=$qwtdir/lib/qwt.framework/qwt \ -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR=$qwtdir/lib/qwt.framework/Headers \ -DLIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS=$libssh/include \ -DLIBSSH_LIBRARIES=$libssh/lib/libssh.dylib \ .. # ********************************************************* # **** Compile XtalOpt **** # ********************************************************* make -j3
This script compiles the XtalOpt code. If you desire to install it, you should adjust the script according to above comments about the installation.
By default, XtalOpt is ssh-enabled to facilitate a remote server access. That's, to let you running XtalOpt on your personal computer while the structure optimizations are performed on a remote server. If you don't need this option and plan to use the code only on your computer, then the ssh feature can be disabled by setting "-DENABLE_SSH=OFF" at the configuration time. In that case, all ssh-related configuration flags are irrelevant and can be removed, and XtalOpt build does not depend on libssh.
If you need to use Kerberos authentication to establish a ssh connection to the remote server, the libssh library used by XtalOpt will not work. There is a workaround for Unix-like system (Linux and possibly Mac) users, which will call the command line ssh/scp commands to communicate with the remote cluster. This can be utilized by adding -DUSE_CLI_SSH=ON to the cmake command above, while the ssh is enabled in the build. This ssh backend will not prompt for a password, and expects the ssh commands to "just work". Passwordless ssh logins can be enabled using the ssh-copy-id command.